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Looking Ahead to 2020 Census Data

Responses to the 2020 Census were completed as of October 15th. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 99.98% of all housing units and addresses nationwide were accounted for in the 2020 Census data collection period. Considering the difficulties that surround this year, it was welcome news that the number of Americans who chose to self-report was larger than the prior 2010 Census. The data collected during the decennial event is used to inform decisions in all areas of economic and community development for the next ten years.  

Census data is used to determine many areas of new infrastructure investment. Lawmakers, economic developers, business owners, and the like will use this data to strategize improvements and additions to each community’s educational, healthcare, social service systems, as well as roads and other basic infrastructure. Hundreds of billions of dollars in federal funding allocations will be distributed using this data collected.

The Census is mandated by the U.S. Constitution, and has occurred every ten years since 1790. In addition to the community development aspects, the results will determine each state’s number of seats the House of Representatives and to draw congressional and legislative districts.  

Having accurate data that reflects the community that we live and work in is so important. These numbers help organizations like TDC to attract and retain businesses and employees to our region.  We look forward to sharing the data from the 2020 Census with you in a way that is digestible and easy to read. You will be able to find this information on our data page, which currently has numbers reflective of the last Census.

The 2020 Census data will be start being released in December 2020 with the updated population counts, followed by the data used for congressional districts which is set to be released by March 31, 2021. The remainder of the data will be fully published during the spring of 2021.  

For more information on the importance of the 2020 Census, visit:

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